There is a lot written about credit cards that earn miles and points. In fact, probably too much to digest in one reading. This course will lay out the basics and stick to those until you are sure that you have it down thorugh months of experience. The last thing that you want to do is get in trouble with credit cards. You should see all the Soldiers that I have to chase down to pay thier damn Government Travel Card (GTC)! First of all, and most importantly, only get a miles or points card if you will PAY OFF THE BALANCE EACH MONTH. With the very high interest charges on these cards, it is never worth the miles or points to pay the monthly finance charge. Period, end of story. If you are not in that financial position, then just don’t do it, you can still get plenty of points or miles other ways. Provided you pass the first rule above, rule two is GET A CREDIT CARD. Get two or three. Note that I did not say two or three dozen. Analyze the type of credit cards available to you,…